A Brief Overview Of ifconfig Command


2 min read

A Brief Overview Of 
   ifconfig Command


Ifconfig command


ifconfig stands for interface configuration. It is oneof the most used Linux commands. The ifconfig command is used for:

  1. displaying current network configuration information

  2. setting up an IP address, subnet mask, broadcast address and hardware address to a network interface

  3. enabling or disabling network interfaces

DisplayingNetwork Configuration

ifconfig command inits simplest form will display allthe active interface details. Basic information displayed upon using ifconfig is:

  1. IP address

  2. MAC address

  3. MTU ( Maximum Transmission Unit)

Todisplay network settings of a specific interface use the command as:

ifconfig <interfaceName>

Enabling or Disabling the Interface

To disable the interface we use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> down

To enable a network interface we use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> up

Setting up IP Address, Subnet Mask and Broadcast Address

To assign an IP Address to network interface use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> <IP Address>

To assign subnet mask to network interface use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> netmask <Subnet Mask>

To assign a broadcast address to network interface use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> broadcast <Broadcast Address>

To assign an IP address, netmask and broadcast address all at once use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> <IP Address> netmask <Subnet Mask> broadcast <Broadcast Address>

Setting up MAC Address to an Interface

To change the MAC address of an Interface use the command:

ifconfig <interfaceName> hw ether <MAC address>

Finally in order to get more information about ifconfig command use commands like man ifconfig or ifconfig --help at the terminal.

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